
Adjustable Linear Models for Motion Analysis

Multiple-model motion estimation in a road scene taken by a rear-view mirror of a moving car under an overtaking situations. The model-based decompositions are evidenced for the same image patch for two different frames at time k1 and k2. For each optic flow patch the generalized deformation components are adapted to the input measures and the motion is estimated from the actual generalized deformation components weigthed by the corresponding probability values.

March 20, 2007 — Reliable complex (e.g. multiple or non rigid) motion analysis is a challenging problem in computer vision. A popular class of local flow descriptors is based on parameterized models of optic flow. Such models, learned from examples, or specified a priori as constant and affine (linear) models, are characterized by a small number of parameters, which provide a concise description of the optic flow structure that can be used to recognize motion patterns from image sequences. A set of adjustable linear models can be used for the analysis of complex dense optic flow fields. These models are specified as discrete space-time dynamical systems, in the velocity space, that are characterized by an unforced or “free” response, given by the structure of network interconnections, and a forced response related to the contingent local optic flow information in input. In this way, given a motion information represented by an optic flow field extracted by a “classical” algorithm, it is possible to recognize if a group of velocity vectors relates to a specific motion pattern, on the basis of their spatial relationships in a local neighborhood. More precisely, the analysis/detection occurs through a spatial recurrent filter that checks the consistency between the spatial structural properties of the input flow field pattern and a set of linear models representing (first-order) elementary components of the optic flow. In order to design a filter that checks this consistency, in an adaptive way, the linear models can be considered the process equations of a multiple model Kalman Filter. Motion segments emerge from the noisy flows as the output of the Kalman Filter that compares its prediction to the actual observations of the local properties of the optic flow.

Manuela Chessa
Silvio P. Sabatini
Fabio Solari
Giacomo M. Bisio
Dept. of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering
University of Genoa

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Date Modified: March 30, 2007 by S.P. Sabatini