
IMOs Detection in Video Sequences

March 30, 2007 — The IMOs detection in video sequences acquired during driving is challenging task, which is complicated by number of factors like egomotion, shaking, imperfect calibration of the on-board cameras, variable illumination conditions etc. All these factors cause noise and decrease reliability of the visual cues estimations.

We propose an approach, which allows robustly detect IMOs by processing and successive fusing two cooperative information streams (see Fig. 1): independent motion detection stream and objects recognition stream.

Fig. 1. Outline of the proposed model.

Using only motion stream for detection of IMOs leads to discontinuity and sparseness of IMOs representations. Recognition stream deals with static images and does not use the temporal information. It means that none these streams alone can provide satisfactory quality of the final IMOs detection. Besides, the idea of the two processing streams is widely accepted and supported by visual neuroscience.

The problem of independent motion detection can be defined as the problem of locating objects that move independently of the observer in his field of view. In our case, we build so-called independent motion maps where each pixel encodes likelihood of belonging to an IMO.

Fig. 2. MLP used as classifier in independent motion stream.

For each frame we build independent motion map in two steps: visual cues extraction and classification. We consider each pixel as multidimensional vector with visual cues as components. Using multilayered perceptron (see Fig. 2) we classify all the pixels (which have every component properly defined) in two classes: IMO or background. After training, MLP can be used for building a likelihood (of being IMO) map for entire frame.

Fig. 3. (Left) Frame number 342 of motorway3 sequence. (Right) Output of the motion stream for the same frame. Intensity of each pixel means probability of being part of the IMO.

For the recognition of vehicles and another potentially dangerous objects (such as bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians), we have used state of the art recognition paradigm - convolutional network LeNet, proposed by LeCun and colleagues1. Modifications of LeNet were successfully exploited for generic object recognition2 and even for autonomous robot's obstacle avoidance system3


Fig. 4. LeNet - a feed-forward convolutional neural network, used in recognition stream.

LeNet scans the input image (left frame) and builds likelihood maps (see Fig. 5) for each class


Fig. 5. Output of the recognition stream.

The two stream approach we presented is successful in IMOs detection and classification, and allows for an easy tracking and properties retrieval (Fig. 6). By mixing IMO maps and class likelihood maps we increase the reliability of the detected IMOs and automatically clean up the false positives. This is a crucial issue when video streams obtained from moving cameras are used.

Fig. 6. Result of IMOs detection, tracking and description.

Further improvements of the model's performance we see in a combination of the two processing streams at earlier stages. Namely, using a common bank of Gabor-like (fixed/non-trainable) filters in the visual cues extraction stage and in C0 layer of the LeNet. This step definitely will reduce computations. Another way to reduce computations is to reduce the amount of data to process. In the recognition stream, we can build the object likelihood maps not for the entire frame, but only for regions containing motion information. The latter has obvious biological support: in many biological visual systems, recognition is preferable to moving objects. One more way to improve the model is by using the CANBUS range radar data to refine the distance and speed up estimations.


[1] Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner, "Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 2278-2324, 1998.

[2] Y. LeCun, F.J. Huang, and L. Bottou, "Learning methods for generic object recognition with invariance to pose and lighting," Proceedings of CVPR'04, vol. 2, 2004.

[3] Y. LeCun, U. Muller, J. Ben, E. Cosatto, and B. Flepp, "Off-road obstacle avoidance through end-to-end learning," Advances in neural information processing systems, vol. 18, 2006.

Nick Chumerin
Karl Pauwels
Marc van Hulle
Laboratorium voor Neuro- en Psychofysiologie
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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Date Modified: March 30, 2007 by S.P. Sabatini