Silvio P. Sabatini

Silvio P. Sabatini, PhD

Associate Professor of Bioengineering

PSPC-lab, University of Genoa
Via Opera Pia 11a, 16145 Genova, Italy
Phone: +39-010-3532092 --- Fax: +39-010-3532289
e-mail: silvio_dot_sabatini_at_unige_dot_it

Research keywords: Biocybernetics of vision; Neuromorphic engineering; Visual coding and multidimensional signal representation; Theoretical neuroscience; Early-cognitive models for visually-guided behavior; Visuospatial perception; Visuomotor control and rehabilitation.
Professional objective: The individuation of the structural principles underlying visual perception (1) to foster modelling studies; (2) to steer new experimental research; (3) to conceive innovative hardware and software artificial systems.

In 1995 I promoted the foundation of the "Physical Structure of Perception and Computation" (PSPC) Research Group at DIBE as an organized structure to advance multidisciplary activities in visual research straddling Information Technology and Brain Science.

Publications Teaching Projects Resume